Hello World!

Welcome to my blog. As a software engineer, my first blogā€™s title is ā€œHello Worldā€ šŸ˜œ

In this blog Iā€™m going to talk about my journey so farā€¦

I was born in western part of the India where temperature hits nearly 50 degrees centigrade in summer, that could explain why Iā€™m very hot šŸ˜‰.

Anyway, I was quite bright in studies since the beginning. Thatā€™s why I decided to pursue Bachelor of Engineering degree in Information and Technology filed. That was one of the best decisions Iā€™ve ever made.

During bachelors I learned a lot about computers and its related technologies. Moreover, I learned about ā€œlifeā€. Iā€™ll get into it someday later (donā€™t want to make you feel bored, itā€™s first blog and you would not be interested in my life at all šŸ˜†)

Okay, so after that I flew to Canada to pursue Post Graduation. Since I studied IT Engineering, (and also my mind was not in right position) I decided to go for IT Business Analysis. After taking the course and studied it for less than a month, I realized that Iā€™m purely technical personal. I donā€™t like business, documentation, managing people and all.

Unfortunately, I paid a big chunk of money to flew to Canada, I couldnā€™t afford to drop the course and I was not allowed to change my course. So, I had to finish all four semesters whether I wanted to or not. The good thing happened with me was COVID.

Thanks to covid, I got a chance to study (and finish) my course from home. Another good thing, I was pretty good as study. So, I did able to finish my post-graduation with good numbers.

After finishing unwanted course, I didnā€™t want to study further, also, my bank balance wouldnā€™t allow me even if I wanted to. So, I started to look for a job.

After 4 months of hard work, I finally got my first field job as Business Analyst (which again I didnā€™t like).

More about my professional career in next blog, where Iā€™ll talk about how I landed my job as Software Engineer (one which I like most!).

Until then, Thanks everyone for reading my first blog. Feel free to share your journey in below comment section.

Take Care šŸ™‚